1 Million Safe Hours!

Posted On: June 26, 2018

We’re so proud to honor the Blackfoot facility for completing One Million Hours without a loss-time incident.

It takes a strong team to accomplish this kind of achievement and we were thrilled to congratulate each and every member of it! To ensure that everyone was able to enjoy the well-deserved celebration, we kept the merriment going around the clock. Our President and CEO, Bryan Reese, presented the safety award to a member of the safety leadership committee from each crew.

The last time we celebrated such a milestone was in 2000, when Blackfoot worked FIVE Million Hours without a loss-time incident. These kinds of remarkable achievements are paving the way for even greater work-place feats and we truly appreciate all the hard, and safe, work that goes into making them possible.

Of course, the new goal is to work TWO Million Hours without a lost-time incident.

Thanks for setting a great example for us all and congratulations to everyone at the Blackfoot facility.

Cat Vance

Blackfoot HR Manager

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