Congratulations to Brian Crawford, our 2019 Q4 Values Hero!
It’s our honor to recognize Brian Crawford as the 2019 Q4 Values Hero! While Brian exhibits numerous traits of each value, he is recognized for exemplifying our Let Your Inner Hero Shine, Make Things Better, and Find A Way values.
Brian, our senior director of technology, is overseeing the largest capital project in our history – the Rexburg plant expansion. His dedication to the success of the project and to the goal of building the world’s finest and most efficient potato flake factory was evident to everyone from the very beginning. He has done an exceptional job coordinating the numerous resources required of a project of this magnitude, all while keeping a level head, open mind, and allowing the team to share their input. Besides his tireless work to keep the project on track and moving smoothly, he has also kept everyone else on the team motivated, focused on key priorities, and committed to living our values throughout the process.
Thank you, Brian, for all that you’ve done to make the Rexburg expansion a success! You help make BAF great, and we’re grateful for all you do. Congratulations!
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