Employee Spotlight – David Darrah, Key Account Manager
What makes BAF a great place to work?
I have worked in sales at Basic American Foods for 16 years. We are a relatively small company with a large footprint that allows us to be one of the most influential and respected companies in the foodservice industry. We have the finest group of co-workers that I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with. Our employees, regardless of their job description, are eager to help with any issue or question we may have. We are a family-owned company that truly treats us all like family.
What BAF Value do you resonate with most and why?
My favorite, and the one that resonates the most with me, is “It Takes a Team”. On a daily basis, we depend on several people to close a sale. Although we generally initiate the process, it can take many more steps and help from our team to close the deal. Our team works so well together and in a timely manner, which allows us to be as productive as possible during our daily routine. Our close-knit family is a tremendous help in making our sales team successful and among the best in the industry.
What is your signature dish or favorite thing to make in the kitchen?
Making pizzas from scratch with my son. It sometimes is an all-day deal, but well worth it.